Month: July 2019

USP <800> Assessment of Risk Templates Available Now

NCPA has developed a blank USP <800> risk assessment template, and a sample template for testosterone, to help you create your own risk assessments for each hazardous drug as required by USP <800>. USP General Chapter <800>’s implementation date is

USP <800> Regulations

Effective 12/1/2019, the following procedures for handling Hazardous Drugs must be complied with: Here is the latest list (May 2019) of Hazardous Drugs from NIOSH – Lists drugs such as Dilantin, Klonopin, Coumadin, & Depakote so please review carefully. These

Financial Challenges and Your Pharmacy: How to Take on the Giants

Out of all the challenges thrown at independent pharmacies today, those most likely to keep you awake at night are financial – especially as you continue to take on retail giants. In fact, these challenges are so pressing, they continue

How to ‘Not’ Make Your Pharmacy Obsolete – Embracing New Care Models May Help Boost Your Pharmacy’s Future Health

Some researchers say that pharmaceuticals have grown to consume up to 30 percent of each healthcare dollar. With that in mind, your community pharmacy may need to rethink traditional care models to drive improved outcomes and value – or risk

4 Trends That Can Make, Shake, or Break Your Pharmacy

Keystone_Blog_4 Trends that Make or Break Pharmacy

Mass Action Lawsuit Against Optum Rx is Progressing

Purpose: – Expose unfair PBM practices in reimbursements, such as MAC Payments, price discrimination compared to amounts paid to mail order and mega-chains. – Focus attention on a single, large PBM – Minimize individual pharmacies legal costs by using the
