Dear Store Owners:
Do you want to stop mandatory mail-order plans in Pennsylvania?
Do you want to stop differential co-pays in Pennsylvania?
Do you want to be able to have these customers return to your store?
OK, but we need your help in a very simple way. During the month of January 2014 we are asking you to have your patients – your friends – your neighbors, to sign the attached petition. We need each store in Pennsylvania to have at least 10 pages of signatures signed by January 31, 2014 and then returned to our office. We will then submit them to Senator John Rafferty Jr. (SB 201 Sponsor), Governor Corbett, the Insurance Commissioner and the Attorney General. All this while we continue to show legislators opinions from our attorneys that ACT 207 should be enforced for all insured Rx plans in Pennsylvania, without exception. Even most self-funded have “stop-loss” insurance attached making them responsible to follow the guidelines of Act 207.
Getting the consumer (voter) involved really catches the ear of our legislators.
Ignoring this will not help your bottom line – working with us will!